ASG Houston Chapter

Sloper Magic Series

At the annual meeting it was suggested that we, as a chapter, build on last year’s tunic bible success by providing a series called Sloper Magic.  This series is an advanced class that starts with a fitted sloper.  For those members who do not have a personal sloper, there will also be a Sloper Fitting Series.

The Sloper Magic is an advanced series that alters commercial patterns to fit a personal sloper.  14 Lakela patterns have been identified that will be used to demonstrate this sloper magic.  Three patterns will be selected for the 2025 Sloper Magic series, the selection of which will be made by the attendees.

There are many ways to create a personal sloper.  For those members interested in obtaining a personally fitted sloper, the Sloper Fitting Series will be based on fitting basic bodice and skirt block patterns with the seam method.

The Sloper Fitting Series is for any member who wants to improve the fit of their garment creations whether you are a beginner or advanced sewer.  The Sloper Fitting Series has five sessions running from 1.5 hours to 4 hours.  These sessions will be provided several times and scheduled at various NG meetings in order to make this training available for all Chapter members.  In order to get through the material in each session, they must be taken in order.

Scheduling details will be posted on the website under Events.


Sloper Fitting Series Details

This series of classes works on the development of a personal sloper by pattern fitting with the seam method.

  • Session 1: {1.5 hr} – Sloper  Magic: Demo Lakela 2103, Dress with Yoke
    • Describe and display the personal sloper.
      Demonstrate using a personal sloper to fit the Lakela pattern 2103, Dress with Yoke.
  • Session 2: {2 hr} – Demo Skirt sloper for ½ scale dress form
  • Demonstrate how to apply personal measurements to a flat pattern.  Demonstrate seam method to alter ½
    scale pattern to fit ½ scale model.  Fit resulting drafted pattern to ½ scale model.
  • Session 3: {3 hr} – Skirt sloper for person
    • Alter commercial skirt pattern to create skirt sloper
  • Session 4: {4 hr} – Bodice sloper for person
    • Alter commercial skirt pattern to create bodice sloper
  • Session 5: {2 hr} – Create Dress Sloper
    • Combine Skirt and Bodice sloper to create dress sloper. 


Sloper Magic Series Details

This series of classes works on the development of a personal sloper by pattern fitting with the seam method.

  • Session 1: {1.5 hr} – Sloper Magic: Demo Lakela 2103, Dress with Yoke
    • Describe and display the personal sloper.  Demonstrate using a personal sloper to fit the Lakela pattern
      2103, Dress with Yoke.
  • Session 2: {4 hr} – Personalize Lakela 2103, Dress with Yoke
    • Build pattern pieces for Lakela 2103, Dress with Yoke, based on a personal sloper.